Thursday, May 31, 2007

That's armor with a U

I figure it's gaudy enough to be spelled with a U. It was nice in my head, but it feels like there's too much detail and it just looks messy.

As with all the others, be sure to click the thumbnail to see the full size!

Are paladins celibate?

Not this one. That's my paladin at the bar, stealin' a peek at my wife's Warrior.

So they're back in fashion then?

Felguards are where the flavor is, apparently.

Pinup frenzy

The other two!

Gnome girls will seem strangely sexy

On request of my honey, I decided to sketch pinups of our WoW characters. Here's the first, a gnome Warlock.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An introduction

Well now. I can honestly say I never really saw myself as the bloggin' type, but lately I got the itch - and they don't make a cream for it, I already checked.

I started WoW a year or two ago as a Tauren hunter - made it to level 26, shot stuff with my gun, had a bunch of crappy gear with some crazy assortment of stats probably better suited to... I dunno, Cairne Bloodhoof's chief cook or something.

After a server (and faction) change, I'm now the proud owner of Victrium, a level 70 Night Elf hunter, with less crappy gear, a bow, and a Survival spec. I also have altophilia, but that's probably better kept private. Paladin is my latest interest, and I like being able to heal; it's a nice change.

This'll be my li'l corner of tha intarweb. I'll put up whatever I damn well feel like putting up, whether it be art, in-game experiences, or misguided social commentary, so... uh... thanks for visiting!