Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An introduction

Well now. I can honestly say I never really saw myself as the bloggin' type, but lately I got the itch - and they don't make a cream for it, I already checked.

I started WoW a year or two ago as a Tauren hunter - made it to level 26, shot stuff with my gun, had a bunch of crappy gear with some crazy assortment of stats probably better suited to... I dunno, Cairne Bloodhoof's chief cook or something.

After a server (and faction) change, I'm now the proud owner of Victrium, a level 70 Night Elf hunter, with less crappy gear, a bow, and a Survival spec. I also have altophilia, but that's probably better kept private. Paladin is my latest interest, and I like being able to heal; it's a nice change.

This'll be my li'l corner of tha intarweb. I'll put up whatever I damn well feel like putting up, whether it be art, in-game experiences, or misguided social commentary, so... uh... thanks for visiting!


Thallium said...

I completely disagree with everything you have said! OMGWTFBBQ. N00bcakes and whatnot.

You know I love ya. <3

BRK said...

We totally disagree with everything you have said, too!

But our opinion is questionable.

Damh and Hobbes

Unknown said...

I snicker muchly at how your main is a leggomyeggolas. Arogg's 70 now on Stormrage. The guild's starting into Karazhan and I cry, but am starting to pick up pieces of leather swag to maximize my dps output. x_x
(staying dual wield fury until I've got good enough swag to justify going protection... also for rep-quest-grinding. Heroics aren't far off!)

I still check PTE to see if you're on <.<. I'll watch this with interest.