Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So, completely unannounced, some time ago I quit wow.


Of course a few months later I realized it wasn't the game I didn't like... it was raiding. Specifically, living in EST and raiding in PST; the time difference was messing me up.

My guild raided from 6 to 9 server, which worked out to be from 9 to 12 my time, which meant there was no time for anything at all after raiding except going to bed. I started to dread it, and my dread of raiding became attached to the game as a whole, and so I gleefully said goodbye for a while.

My blog also dropped off rather sharply because I realized suddenly that I really didn't have anything penetratingly amazing to write about. I hope to correct that in the future.

But I obviously play wow again. I'm having fun - my Hunter got her Netherdrake, my Druid has finished his Swift Flight Form questline up to the final quest (anybody on Proudmoore want to run SV a few times with me? The last item I need before I feel confident tanking heroics rests just 12,200 Cenarion Expedition rep out of my reach), and my wife and I started some Horde characters.

Tantalum the Warrior and Shammalot the Shaman. We're level 23 now, and having great fun.

Like when that 28 druid started trying to kill our escort mob... boy did we stomp him. Then he rezzed and we stomped him again.

Good times.

So in the relatively near future I also plan to move this to my own personal site, since it's kind of just sitting there soaking up hosting fees at the moment. I may as well make something of it.

Apologies to anybody who had any interest in reading my incoherent ramblings before I dropped off the face of the internet. That was very rude of me. Bad blog author. There will be no biscuits with supper.

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