Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th!

First, happy 4th of July! Whee, hooray, fireworks and all that!

Second, another word on damage. I remembered to SS my dps meter after the mech run I did last night.
That's an Affliction 'lock in #2 spot, and a Rogue of unknown spec in #3. I'm going to make the disclaimer that our tank was kind of sub-par and the only member that could go all-out DPS without dying (thank you Feign Death) was me... but if you think for a second that that's not part of a Hunter's bag of DPS tricks, you're most definitely wrong.

Nethermancer Sepethrea is a really difficult fight, as anyone who's been there can attest to. She herself hits like a little girl, but kiting those elementals while DPSing is a formidable task.

BRK's favorite trick of doing the Nethermancer pull from Panthaleon's room is unfortunately no longer possible. She'll reset as soon as she sets foot on the bridge, meaning you have to fight her where she stands and deal with kiting those bloody elementals in that tiny room.

Panthaleon was kind enough to drop half of my Arcatraz key, and this little beauty: Abacus of Violent Odds. Having two Rapid Fires I can call on anytime I like is just too delicious.

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